
Trump administration owes Americans answers about restrictions on Huawei (2019-5-23)

From: The Washington Post 华盛顿邮报

美媒:打压华为的特朗普,欠民众一个解释 restrictions on sth. eg: strict restrictions on commercial activities.

Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei’s global influence has been steadily growing in recent years, and the U.S. goverment’s concern has been growing along with it.

近年来,中国电信巨头华为的全球影响力稳步增加,美国政府的担忧也随之加深。 telecommunication n. 电信,长途电信。tele- 远的,远距离的,television,远距离传输图像,电视

Fearing that the spread of Chinese-made cellphones, routers and other equipment may render Western countries, including those that share the most sensitive intelligence with the United States, vulnerable to Beijing, Washington has tried to hold Huawei accountable for alleged intellectual-property theft while discouraging key allies such as Britain, Australia and New Zealand from relying on Huawei technology.

因为害怕中国制造的手机,路由器和其他设备,可能使得西方国家(包括那些和美国共享最敏感情报的国家)在中国面前不堪一击,美国政府企图让华为为所谓的窃取知识产权行为负责。与此同时,美国还阻挠其重要盟友们(如英国,澳大利亚和新西兰)使用华为提供的技术。 Fearing that the spread of sth may render Western countires, vulnerable to Beijing. render = make, 因为害怕sth,会使西方国家,在中国面前非常脆弱,不堪一击。 the most sensitive intelligence 最敏感的情报 accountable = responsible, 新闻里的常见说法: 让某人为某事负责,hold someone accountable for sth. intellectual-property theft 窃取知识产权,alleged 据说,据称。 discourage someone from doing sth 阻止某人做某事。

What’s ultimately at stake here is the future of 5G networks around the world - the ultrafast connection systems that will soon link smartphones, enable driverless automobiles and, potentially, revolutionize warfare.

把话说到底,现在处在危险境地的是全世界5G网络的未来,5G网络这一超高速的连接系统,很快就可以连接智能手机,能让无人驾驶汽车变成现实,并且有可能为战争的形式带来革新。 be at stake/sth at stake. 处于危险境地,处于成败关头。 eg: The lives of wild animals are at stake. 野生动物的性命危在旦夕。 There are many interests at stake. 很多利益受到影响。 ultimately 终极的,最终的 ultrafast 超高速的 revolutionize 使发生革命性巨变,The new theory will revolutionize modern science. 新理论会使现代科技发生革命性的变化。 war 广义的战争,或具体的战争 warfare 战争进行的方式,或手段

Now the Trump administration has escalated to a new level, requiring that all U.S. firms seek federal approval before selling to Huawei.

现在,特朗普政府已经(把对华为的限制)上升到了一个新的高度,要求所有美国公司在向华为销售产品前,寻求联邦政府的批准。 escalate 上升

Though not an outright ban on sales, it is a major restriction because Huawei’s products rely on inputs purchased from no fewer than 30 U.S. companies, and now those will be subject to government licensing. Huawei says it has stockpiled a 12 month-supply of U.S.-made inputs in anticipation of just such a move.

尽管这不是一个针对销售下达的彻底的禁令,但它也确实是一个严格的限制,因为华为的产品依赖于从不下30家美国公司购入的零件,而现在那些零件交易需要获得政府的许可。华为表示,正是因为预见了这样的变化,他们已经囤积了足够使用12个月的美国产零件。 outright 直截了当的,彻底的。an outright refusal 直截了当的拒绝 no fewer than 不少于 government licensing 政府许可。 be subject to 受制于。 stockpile 大量储备。 in anticipation of 预期。I have postponed our meeting in anticipation of his procrastination. 我估计他会拖延,所以推迟了我们的会以。 move 举措,决定。

If the Trump administration’s latest step represents a deliberate attempt to bring down Huawei, it is not justified. In that sense, the administration owes the public more transparency about its intentions.

如果特普朗政府的最新举措展示了其有意搬到华为的企图,那么这一举措缺乏正当理由。从这个意义上说,政府应该让其意图对公众有更高的透明度。 deliberate 故意的,蓄意的。在其他语境,也表示,深思熟虑,小心谨慎地。a deliberate attempt 蓄意的企图。 transparency 透明度。

X Employee Satisfaction Survey (2024 X 公司满意度调查)

You are Invited to Take the 2024 X Employee Satisfaction Survey (This email is exclusively for you, please do not forward it to others)

Dear colleague,

This year marks the 26th anniversary of X. Looking back, we took decisive actions in response to a rapidly changing environment two years ago, and we are now seeing the fruits of those efforts. Our businesses and teams have gained momentum (/məˈmentəm/ n. 冲力), and we’ve seen an improvement in the company’s performance, quarter by quarter. We have shown that we can not only capitalize on favorable circumstances, but also manage to emerge from difficult times.

X has conducted the Employee Satisfaction Survey for 20 years and we’ve gained many valuable insights from employees’ feedback. For example, we came to realize that we had lost some of our passion and ambition under the weight of cumbersome (/ˈkʌmbəsəm/ adj. 笨重的;繁琐的,复杂的) rules, processes, and ways of doing things. And there had been a widespread (adj. 普遍的,广泛的) feeling that many good ideas had been wasted, many talented individuals were unrecognized, and numerous internal obstacles had hindered (阻碍) our progress toward our goals. Therefore, we call on everyone to voice your thoughts, opinions, and even criticisms (n. 批评). We also believe that your honest feedback will help us continuously improve as a company and foster organizational vitality (/vaɪˈtæləti/ n. 活力,热情;生机,生命力).

We are looking forward to seeing your responses to the 2024 X Employee Satisfaction Survey.

X 的小伙伴:

今年是 X 成立的第26年,近两年面对各种环境气候变化时,我们果断行动,也收获了成效:业务和团队的状态稳步回暖,公司业绩每个季度都在提升。这让所有人看到,X 不只能在顺流中抓住机会,也能在疾风巨浪中逆流而上。

