
  • 编译器对标准的支持情况:
  • 模版实例化工具:
  • 编译运行工具:


$ ls -l /lib64/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Aug 18  2020 /lib64/ ->
$ rpm -qf /lib64/


  • 模板机制为 C++ 提供了泛型编程的方式,在减少代码冗余的同时仍然可以提供类型安全。
  • 特化必须在同一命名空间下进行,可以特化类模板也可以特化函数模板,但类模板可以偏特化和全特化,而函数模板只能全特化
  • 模板实例化时会优先匹配”模板参数”最相符的那个特化版本。
  • C++ 的模板机制被证明是图灵完备的,即可以通过模板元编程(Template Metaprogramming,TMP)的方式在编译期做任何计算。



// 类模板
template <class T1, class T2>
class A
    T1 data1;
    T2 data2;

// 函数模板
template <class T>
T max(const T lhs, const T rhs)
    return lhs > rhs ? lhs : rhs;

Explicit (full) template specialization

Explicit specialization may be declared in any scope where its primary template may be defined (which may be different from the scope where the primary template is defined; such as with out-of-class specialization of a member template) . Explicit specialization has to appear after the non-specialized template declaration. (特化版本可以声明在主模版作用域之外,特化版本的声明必须出现在非实例化模版声明之后)

namespace N {
    template<class T> class X { /*...*/ }; // primary template
    template<> class X<int> { /*...*/ }; // specialization in same namespace

    template<class T> class Y { /*...*/ }; // primary template
    template<> class Y<double>; // forward declare specialization for double

class N::Y<double> { /*...*/ }; // OK: specialization in same namespace

Specialization must be declared before the first use that would cause implicit instantiation, in every translation unit where such use occurs: (在每一个翻译单元若要使用特化版本,则需要在第一次使用时先对其声明,否则会导致隐式的实例化)

class String {};
template<class T> class Array { /*...*/ };
template<class T> void sort(Array<T>& v) { /*...*/ } // primary template

void f(Array<String>& v) {
    sort(v); // implicitly instantiates sort(Array<String>&),
}            // using the primary template for sort()

template<>  // ERROR: explicit specialization of sort(Array<String>)
void sort<String>(Array<String>& v); // after implicit instantiation

A template specialization that was declared but not defined can be used just like any other incomplete type (e.g. pointers and references to it may be used)

template<class T> class X; // primary template
template<> class X<int>; // specialization (declared, not defined)

X<int>* p; // OK: pointer to incomplete type
X<int> x; // error: object of incomplete type

Explicit specializations of function templates

When specializing a function template, its template arguments can be omitted if template argument deduction can provide them from the function arguments: (函数模版实例化时,通过对函数参数的推导,函数模版参数可以省略)

template<class T> class Array { /*...*/ };
template<class T> void sort(Array<T>& v); // primary template
template<> void sort(Array<int>&); // specialization for T = int

// no need to write
// template<> void sort<int>(Array<int>&);

Members of specializations

When defining a member of an explicitly specialized class template outside the body of the class, the syntax template <> is not used, except if it’s a member of an explicitly specialized member class template, which is specialized as a class template, because otherwise, the syntax would require such definition to begin with template<parameters> required by the nested template.

template< typename T>
struct A {
    struct B {};  // member class
    template<class U> struct C { }; // member class template

template<> // specialization
struct A<int> {
    void f(int); // member function of a specialization
// template<> not used for a member of a specialization
void A<int>::f(int) { /* ... */ }

template<> // specialization of a member class
struct A<char>::B {
    void f();
// template<> not used for a member of a specialized member class either
void A<char>::B::f() { /* ... */ }

template<> // specialization of a member class template
template<class U> struct A<char>::C {
    void f();

// template<> is used when defining a member of an explicitly
// specialized member class template specialized as a class template
template<class U> void A<char>::C<U>::f() { /* ... */ }

A member or a member template of a class template may be explicitly specialized for a given implicit instantiation of the class template, even if the member or member template is defined in the class template definition.

template<typename T>
struct A {
    void f(T); // member, declared in the primary template
    void h(T) {} // member, defined in the primary template
    template<class X1> void g1(T, X1); // member template
    template<class X2> void g2(T, X2); // member template

// specialization of a member
template<> void A<int>::f(int);
// member specialization OK even if defined in-class
template<> void A<int>::h(int) {}

// out of class member template definition
template<class T>
template<class X1> void A<T>::g1(T, X1) { }

// member template specialization
template<class X1> void A<int>::g1(int, X1);

// member template specialization
template<> void A<int>::g2<char>(int, char); // for X2 = char
// same, using template argument deduction (X1 = char)
template<> void A<int>::g1(int, char);

Member or a member template may be nested within many enclosing class templates. In an explicit specialization for such a member, there’s a template<> for every enclosing class template that is explicitly specialized.

template<class T1> struct A {
    template<class T2> struct B {
      template<class T3>
        void mf();
template<> struct A<int>;
template<> template<> struct A<char>::B<double>;
template<> template<> template<> void A<char>::B<char>::mf<double>();


通过全特化一个模板,可以对一个特定参数集合自定义当前模板(Allows customizing the template code for a given set of template arguments),类模板和函数模板都可以全特化。 全特化的模板参数列表应当是空的,并且应当给出”模板实参”列表:

template <> declaration
// 全特化 类模板
template <>
class A<int, double>{
    int data1;
    double data2;

// 全特化 函数模板

// 注意,类模板的全特化时,在类名后给出了"模板实参",但函数模板的全特化,函数名后没有给出"模板实参"。这是因为编译器根据 int max(const int, const int) 的函数签名可以推导出来它是 T max(const T, const T) 的特化
template <>
int max(const int lhs, const int rhs){
    return lhs > rhs ? lhs : rhs;


#include <iostream>

template <class T>
void f()
    T d;
    std::cout << "template <class T> void f()\n";

// 此时编译器不知道 f() 是从 f<T>() 特化来的,编译时会有错误,此时需要显式指定"模板实参"
#if 0
template <>
void f()
    int d;
    std::cout << "template <> void f()\n";

template <>
void f<int>()
    int d;
    std::cout << "template <> void f()\n";

int main()
    f<int>(); // template <> void f()

Any of the following can be fully specialized:

#include <iostream>
template<typename T>   // primary template
struct is_void : std::false_type

template<>  // explicit specialization for T = void
struct is_void<void> : std::true_type

int main()
    // for any type T other than void, the class is derived from false_type
    std::cout << is_void<char>::value << '\n';  // 0

    // but when T is void, the class is derived from true_type
    std::cout << is_void<void>::value << '\n'; // 1


  • 函数模板不允许偏特化
  • 类似于全特化,偏特化也是为了给自定义一个参数集合的模板,但偏特化后的模板需要进一步的实例化才能形成确定的签名
  • 偏特化也是以template来声明的,需要给出剩余的”模板形参”和必要的”模板实参”
template <class T2>
class A<int, T2>{
    // ...



#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

template<typename T>
class A
    static void f(T a);

// 类模版的特化版本
class A<int>
    static void f(int a);

// 注意,不需要 template<> 语法
void A<int>::f(int a)
    std::cout << "A<int>::f(int a)\n";

int main()
    A<int>::f(1); // A<int>::f(int a)


#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

template<typename T>
class A
    static void f(T a);

// 默认版本
template<typename T>
void A<T>::f(T a)
    std::cout << "A<T>::f(T a)\n";

// 类模版的成员函数特化版本,需要 template<> 语法
void A<int>::f(int a)
    std::cout << "A<int>::f(int a)\n";

int main()
    A<int>::f(1); // A<int>::f(int a)


#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

class PlaceHolder

template<typename T>
class A
    static void f(T a);

template<typename T>
void A<T>::f(T a)
    std::cout << "A<T>::f(T a)\n";

    // 若对 primary template 展开,则执行静态断言错误
    static_assert(!std::is_class<T>::value, "should not use base specialization");

#if 1
class A<PlaceHolder>
    static void f(PlaceHolder a);

void A<PlaceHolder>::f(PlaceHolder a)
    std::cout << "A<PlaceHolder>::f(PlaceHolder a)\n";


int main()
    PlaceHolder a;
    A<PlaceHolder>::f(a); // A<PlaceHolder>::f(PlaceHolder a)
#include <type_traits>

class PlaceHolder{};

template<typename T>
class A
        static_assert(!std::is_class<T>::value, "should not use base construct");

#if 1
class A<PlaceHolder>

int main()
    A<PlaceHolder> a;
    return 0;

Variadic templates

  • The ellipsis (...) operator has two roles.
    • When it occurs to the left of the name of a parameter, it declares a parameter pack. Using the parameter pack, the user can bind zero or more arguments to the variadic template parameters. Parameter packs can also be used for non-type parameters.
    • By contrast, when the ellipsis operator occurs to the right of a template or function call argument, it unpacks the parameter packs into separate arguments, like the args... in the body of printf below.
  • In practice, the use of an ellipsis operator in the code causes the whole expression that precedes the ellipsis to be repeated for every subsequent argument unpacked from the argument pack, with the expressions separated by commas.
  • The use of variadic templates is often recursive. The variadic parameters themselves are not readily available to the implementation of a function or class. Therefore, the typical mechanism for defining something like a C++11 variadic printf replacement would be as follows:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>

void func_impl(std::vector<std::string> &str_vec)
    for (auto& item: str_vec) {
        std::cout << item << " ";
    std::cout << "\nTODO";

static void pack_helper(std::vector<std::string> &str_vec)

template<typename... Args>
void pack_helper(std::vector<std::string> &str_vec, const std::string& str, const Args&... args)
    pack_helper(str_vec, args ...);

// recursive
template<typename... Args>
void func(const std::string& str, const Args& ... args)
    std::vector<std::string> str_vec;
    pack_helper(str_vec, str, args...);

int main()
    func("1", "2", "a");


namespace detail
	template<uint8_t... digits> struct positive_to_chars {
		static const char value[];
		static constexpr size_t size = sizeof...(digits);
	template<uint8_t... digits> const char positive_to_chars<digits...>::value[] = {('0' + digits)..., 0};

	template<uint8_t... digits> struct negative_to_chars {
		static const char value[];
	template<uint8_t... digits> const char negative_to_chars<digits...>::value[] = {'-', ('0' + digits)..., 0};

	template<bool neg, uint8_t... digits>
		struct to_chars : positive_to_chars<digits...> {};

	template<uint8_t... digits>
		struct to_chars<true, digits...> : negative_to_chars<digits...> {};

	// 对 num 每位进行展开,例如,num = 123 则展开为 explode<neg, 0, 1, 2, 3>
	template<bool neg, uintmax_t rem, uint8_t... digits>
		struct explode : explode<neg, rem / 10, rem % 10, digits...> {};

	// 展开终止
	template<bool neg, uint8_t... digits>
		struct explode<neg, 0, digits...> : to_chars<neg, digits...> {};

	template<typename T>
		constexpr uintmax_t cabs(T num) {
			return (num < 0) ? -num : num;

template<typename T, T num>
struct string_from : ::detail::explode<num < 0, ::detail::cabs(num)> {};

int main()
    auto str = string_from<unsigned, 1>::value;


#include <iostream>

// has_member_gc用来判断一个类T是否定义了成员函数void __gc()
template<class T>
struct has_member_gc {
  // 声明辅助模板类sfinae,它接受两个模板参数:U以及U的成员函数指针常量(签名为void())
  template<class U, void (U::*)()>
  struct sfinae;

  // 声明辅助模板函数test,它有一个模板参数U,它有一个函数参数叫unused,unused的类型是sfinae<U, &U::__gc>*,返回类型char
  template<class U>
  static char test(sfinae<U, &U::__gc>* unused);

  // 声明辅助模板函数test的一个重载版本,它有一个模板参数,函数参数是可变参数,返回类型int
  static int test(...);

  // 核心的判断,考虑函数的调用:test<T>(nullptr)
  // test函数有两个重载,根据重载规则,可变参数的重载优先级是最低的,所以会优先考虑第一个重载版本
  // 编译器会先试着实例化sfinae<T, &T::__gc>,这里分两种情况考虑:
  // 1、如果T定义了成员函数void __gc()
  //   则sfinae<T, &T::__gc>是一个合法的类型,最终会调用test的第一个版本,所以test的返回类型是char
  //   这个时候,sizeof(返回类型) == sizeof(char),value的值为true
  // 2、否则
  //   sfinae<T, &T::__gc>不是一个合法的类型,根据SFINAE规则,编译器不会报错,继续去找下一个重载版本
  //   此时会调用到test(...),返回类型是int
  //   这个时候,sizeof(返回类型) != sizeof(char),value的值为false
  static constexpr bool value = sizeof(test<T>(nullptr)) == sizeof(char);

struct foo {
  void __gc() {}

int main()
	std::cout << has_member_gc<foo>::value << " ";
	std::cout << has_member_gc<int>::value;
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>

static char CheckIgnoreVirtualDelete(...);

#define IGNORE_VIRTUAL_DELETE(ClassName) \
    template<class> \
    static int CheckIgnoreVirtualDelete(ClassName*);

template<class T>
struct STIgnoreTest
    static const bool value = sizeof(CheckIgnoreVirtualDelete<T>((T*)nullptr)) == sizeof(int);

class CBase

class CDerived : public CBase


int main()
    std::cout << STIgnoreTest<int>::value << std::endl;
    std::cout << STIgnoreTest<CBase>::value << std::endl;
    std::cout << STIgnoreTest<CDerived>::value << std::endl;


#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <typeinfo>

int main()
    typedef std::conditional<true, int, double>::type Type1;
    typedef std::conditional<false, int, double>::type Type2;
    typedef std::conditional<sizeof(int) >= sizeof(double), int, double>::type Type3;

    std::cout << typeid(Type1).name() << '\n';
    std::cout << typeid(Type2).name() << '\n';
    std::cout << typeid(Type3).name() << '\n';


#include <type_traits>

template< class T, class U >
struct is_same;
  • If T and U name the same type (taking into account const/volatile qualifications), provides the member constant value equal to true. Otherwise value is false.
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

int main()
     // usually true if int is 32 bit
    std::cout << std::is_same<int, std::int32_t>::value << ' ';
    // possibly true if ILP64 data model is used
    std::cout << std::is_same<int, std::int64_t>::value;
1 0


#include <iostream>

// 定义is_same模板类,它接受两个模板参数T和U,它在类内定义了一个叫value的bool静态常量字段,值总是false
template<class T, class U>
struct is_same {
  static constexpr bool value = false;
// 对is_same偏特化,当T和U这两个类型一样时,它在类内定义了一个叫value的bool静态常量字段,值总是true
template<class T>
struct is_same<T, T> {
  static constexpr bool value = true;

int main()

  // 定义一个类型别名,将is_same<int, int>绑定到Result1
  // 从模板元编程的角度来看,这里可以看作是调用了元函数is_same,输入类型int和类型int,输出类型is_same<int, int>,赋值给Result1
  using Result1 = is_same<int, int>;

  // Result1就是类型is_same<int, int>,它有一个叫value的bool静态常量字段
  // 由于is_same<int, int>的两个模板参数都是int,所以这里是偏特化后的版本,value的值是true
  std::cout << Result1::value << " ";

  // 调用元函数is_same,输入类型int和类型float,输出类型is_same<int, float>,赋值给Result2
  using Result2 = is_same<int, float>;

  // 由于is_same<int, float>的两个模板参数不一样,所以这里没有偏特化,value的值是false
  std::cout << Result2::value << " ";



  • Checks whether T is a pointer to object or a pointer to function (but not a pointer to member/member function). Provides the member constant value which is equal to true, if T is a object/function pointer type. Otherwise, value is equal to false.
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

class A {};

int main()
    std::cout << std::boolalpha;
    std::cout << std::is_pointer<A>::value << '\n';
    std::cout << std::is_pointer<A *>::value << '\n';
    std::cout << std::is_pointer<A &>::value << '\n';
    std::cout << std::is_pointer<int>::value << '\n';
    std::cout << std::is_pointer<int *>::value << '\n';
    std::cout << std::is_pointer<int **>::value << '\n';
    std::cout << std::is_pointer<int[10]>::value << '\n';
    std::cout << std::is_pointer<std::nullptr_t>::value << '\n';


  • removes the topmost const, or the topmost volatile, or both, if present.
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

int main() {
    typedef std::remove_cv<const int>::type type1;
    typedef std::remove_cv<volatile int>::type type2;
    typedef std::remove_cv<const volatile int>::type type3;
    typedef std::remove_cv<const volatile int*>::type type4;
    typedef std::remove_cv<int * const volatile>::type type5;

    std::cout << "test1 " << (std::is_same<int, type1>::value
        ? "passed" : "failed") << '\n';
    std::cout << "test2 " << (std::is_same<int, type2>::value
        ? "passed" : "failed") << '\n';
    std::cout << "test3 " << (std::is_same<int, type3>::value
        ? "passed" : "failed") << '\n';
    std::cout << "test4 " << (std::is_same<const volatile int*, type4>::value
        ? "passed" : "failed") << '\n';
    std::cout << "test5 " << (std::is_same<int*, type5>::value
        ? "passed" : "failed") << '\n';
test1 passed
test2 passed
test3 passed
test4 passed
test5 passed


Applies lvalue-to-rvalue, array-to-pointer, and function-to-pointer implicit conversions to the type T, removes cv-qualifiers, and defines the resulting type as the member typedef type.

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

template <typename T, typename U>
struct decay_equiv :
    std::is_same<typename std::decay<T>::type, U>::type

int main()
    std::cout << std::boolalpha
              << decay_equiv<int, int>::value << '\n'
              << decay_equiv<int&, int>::value << '\n'
              << decay_equiv<int&&, int>::value << '\n'
              << decay_equiv<const int&, int>::value << '\n'
              << decay_equiv<int[2], int*>::value << '\n'
              << decay_equiv<int(int), int(*)(int)>::value << '\n';

Constexpr If (C++17)

Conditionally executes another statement. Used where code needs to be executed based on a run-time or compile-time condition.

#include <iostream>

template <typename T>
auto get_value(T t) {
    if constexpr (std::is_pointer_v<T>) {
        std::cout << "if constexpr\n";
        return *t; // deduces return type to int for T = int*
    else {
        std::cout << "other\n";
        return t;  // deduces return type to int for T = int

int main()
    int a = 1;
    int *b = &a;
    std::cout << get_value(a) << std::endl;
    std::cout << get_value(b) << std::endl;
if constexpr


#include <iostream>

template <typename T>
auto get_value(T t) {
    if constexpr (std::is_pointer_v<T>) {
        std::cout << "if constexpr\n";
        return *t; // deduces return type to int for T = int*
    else {
        std::cout << "other\n";
        return t;  // deduces return type to int for T = int

int get_value<int>(int t)
  if constexpr(false) {
  } else /* constexpr */ {
    std::operator<<(std::cout, "other\n");
    return t;


int get_value<int *>(int * t)
  if constexpr(true) {
    std::operator<<(std::cout, "if constexpr\n");
    return *t;


int main()
  int a = 1;
  int * b = &a;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template<typename T>
void func(T&& param)
	cout << param << endl;

int main()
	int a{100};

	func(a); // ok
	func(100); // ok

这里的 T&& param 表示 param 是一个万能引用,如果传入的参数是左值,那么 param 就是左值 (比如int&),外部传入的是右值,param 就是右值 (比如 int&&)。

template<typename T>
void func(const T& param) {
	vector<T> v;

在模版函数 func 内部,调用了 v.emplace_back(param)vector.emplace_back 为左值和右值有两个不同的实现,左值会调用拷贝构造函数,而右值会调用移动构造函数,性能更好。那么按上面这个实现,因为 func 的参数类型是 const T&,一定是左值引用,那么传给 vector.emplace_back 的也是左值,所以即使调用 func 时传的参数是右值,在调用 vector.emplace_back 的时候也只会调用到左值的版本。


template<typename T>
void func(T&& param) {
	vector<T> v;


void Test(const Demo&) {
    cout << "normal version" << endl;
void Test(Demo&&) {
    cout << "rvalue version" << endl;

Demo&& s = Demo{};
Test(s); // normal version!

这里的 v.emplace_back(param) 依然会调用左值的版本! 这里就需要 std::forward 了,和 std::move 类似,std::forward 其实也是一个类型转换,当实参是左值时候,它返回的是左值引用,也就是没做任何事;实参是右值的时候,它返回的是右值引用。所以,最终正确的版本应该是:

template<typename T>
void func(T&& param) {
	vector<T> v;

这就是所谓的完美转发 (perfect forwarding)。

总结一下就是,函数模版参数中的 T&& 中的 T 是函数模版变量时,这代表一个万能引用,对于万能引用,当接收的是左值时,它就是左值引用,接收的是右值时,它就是右值引用。因为引用变量本身是左值,所以直接用引用变量做实参调用函数时,调用的一定是左值版本,如果需要根据引用变量本身的类型不同来调用对应版本的函数,需要使用 std::forward 来做类型转换。

std::forwardstd::move 的区别在于,std::move 是一定转换为右值,而 std::forward 是有条件的转换。std::forward 通常和万能引用一起使用。



My template specialization differs debug version from release version, is this gcc bug?



More: template_specialization, In detail

判断一个类T是否定义了成员函数 (不包括继承)

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

#define CREATE_SPECIFIED_MEMBER_FUNC_DETECTOR(Func)                                \
template<typename T, typename MemFunc>                                             \
struct has_specified_member_func_##Func                                            \
{                                                                                  \
  template<class U, MemFunc>                                                       \
  struct HasSpecifiedMemberFunc;                                                   \
  template<class U>                                                                \
  static char test(HasSpecifiedMemberFunc<U, &U::Func>* unused);                   \
  template<class>                                                                  \
  static int test(...);                                                            \
  static constexpr bool value = sizeof(test<T>(nullptr)) == sizeof(char);          \


class A
	template<typename T>
	void CopyTo(T&)
		// 可以换成static_assert
		std::cout << has_specified_member_func_CopyTo<T, void(T::*)(T&)>::value << std::endl;

class B : public A


int main()
   A a, a1;
   B b, b1;
   return 0;
